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Automation and Digital Transformation Conference

The ISA Saudi Section is proud to present the Automation and Digital Transformation Conference, to be held on 22-24 April 2025. This three day event will provide a platform for professionals to explore how technology can enable a sustainable future and help overcome environmental, economic, and social challenges.

Join us to discover the latest trends and best practices in automation and digital transformation that can drive sustainability across various industries.

The conference will feature a diverse group of speakers who are experts in automation, digital transformation, and sustainability, including:

  • Industry leaders and executives from various sectors
  • Technology experts and thought leaders
  • Academic researchers and practitioners

Automation and Digital Transformation Conference will provide ample opportunities for networking and knowledge-sharing. Participants will have the chance to engage in interactive discussions, attend informative workshops, and explore cutting-edge technologies and solutions showcased by the exhibitors. 

By bringing together a diverse group of professionals, the conference aims to foster collaborations, inspire innovation, and drive progress towards a more sustainable future.

Who Should Attend?

The conference is designed for professionals in various industries who are interested in the intersection of automation, digital transformation, and sustainability, including:

  • Engineers and Technologists
  • Sustainability and Environmental professionals
  • Business leaders and executives
  • Policy makers and regulators
  • Academics and researchers